In Summer 2020, I animated on a Dr. Praeger's commercial at HouseSpecial. It was a short gig, and everyone besides me worked from home while I was still scrambling to get myself a home setup at the time. So I went in and worked at the very empty studio for about three weeks while communicating with my director/producer via internet. It was a little strange but also kind of nice.
The director was going for a retro 70s-80s cartoon look. It is an era of western cartoon that I did not grow up with since I lived in Asia and watched a different set of animation shows. The commercial is a mix of hand drawn and rigged animation done mostly in Toonboom Harmony. Since I don't work with rigs the bits of my work are all in the hand drawn portion and here's a breakdown.
0:01 - Painted additional sprouts for the dirt mound
0:07 - Pizza splitting (rough to finish)
0:08 - Pizza splitting shot 2 (rough to finish)
0:12 - C-Top turn (Rough to color and BG sans effect and rigged settle)
0:17 - Barry the Beet kick (Rough to color and BG sans effect and rigged settle)
0:23 - Smoke effect animation
The director was going for a retro 70s-80s cartoon look. It is an era of western cartoon that I did not grow up with since I lived in Asia and watched a different set of animation shows. The commercial is a mix of hand drawn and rigged animation done mostly in Toonboom Harmony. Since I don't work with rigs the bits of my work are all in the hand drawn portion and here's a breakdown.
0:01 - Painted additional sprouts for the dirt mound
0:07 - Pizza splitting (rough to finish)
0:08 - Pizza splitting shot 2 (rough to finish)
0:12 - C-Top turn (Rough to color and BG sans effect and rigged settle)
0:17 - Barry the Beet kick (Rough to color and BG sans effect and rigged settle)
0:23 - Smoke effect animation
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